Cypress Basin Resource Guide – Click Here

Advanced Care Planning

Advance care planning (ACP) is a broad term that covers the many aspects of healthcare planning. While it is important for individuals to complete an advance directive, power of attorney, or do not resuscitate form, the goal of ACP is focused on helping the patient and family make healthcare decisions and discuss them with their healthcare provider prior to a crisis occurring.

We have provided more links below that may help you research this topic:

Grief & Bereavement

The Grief and Bereavement program provides an environment of support with the goal of helping each individual accept the reality of their loss, experience the emotions related to the loss and begin the adjustment to a new “normal”. Grief is a normal process of reacting to significant changes in one’s life. Bereavement is learning how to adjust to life after the loss of a loved one and it takes time and support.

Our families receive bereavement support for at least 13 months after the death of a loved one. In addition, grief counseling, support groups, and programs are also offered for free, not only to our families but for anyone in our service area who has experienced the loss of a loved one due to death.

The Grief and Bereavement resources of Cypress Basin Hospice Include:

  • Bereavement Coordinator
  • Grief Support Groups
  • Individual and/or family group consultation
  • Camps for children (Camp Brave Heart)
  • Workshops (contact Bereavement Coordinator)
  • Informational booklets and pamphlets about grief and loss

We have compiled a list of excellent resources for grief support:


How to Refer to Cypress Basin Hospice

Call us at 903-577-1510

The professional staff at Cypress Basin Hospice understands that initiating conversations about end-of-life options can be difficult and time-consuming. We have a wealth of information and experience in managing pain and symptoms, improving quality of life and providing emotional and spiritual support to help patients and families when the focus of care needs to shift from curative to palliative or comfort care. We are here to support you and your staff. We can be your eyes and ears as we see our role as being an extension of your services. We are available 24 hours a day to answer your questions, provide informational consults and admit your patients into our hospice program. You can be assured that when you refer a patient to Cypress Basin Hospice, you are referring to one of the most trusted and respected hospice agencies in Mt. Pleasant, Paris, Sulphur Springs, and all of Northeast Texas.


Families and Caregiver

One of the most important things one can do when confronted with the uncertainty of a progressive and chronic illness is to get the information needed to manage the illness. The following links are offered to provide helpful information to you as you begin or continue that process. These links may lead you to understand that there are many resources for you to review and it is our hope that their information will be of assistance. Please be aware that Cypress Basin Hospice has no control over these websites and therefore is not responsible for their content.

Please feel free to call us at 903-577-1510 with questions and we will be glad to assist you in finding additional resources for you and or your loved one.

Disease Management

Cypress Basin Hospice works to manage symptoms that affect a patient’s quality of life; these symptoms may include but are not limited to pain, shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting, multi-system deterioration, and spiritual or emotional distress.

Cypress Basin Hospice utilizes the clinical guidelines established by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) through their third party administrator, Palmetto Government Benefits Administrator (PGBA). These guidelines were established for different life-limiting illnesses and are used to assist in determining initial eligibility and continued eligibility for hospice patients. Patients with these illnesses may be appropriate for hospice care if the patient has a prognosis of six months or less should their illness run its natural course.

These illnesses include:

  • Renal Disease
  • Neurological Disease
  • Lung Disease (COPD)
  • Liver Failure
  • Heart Disease (CHF)
  • Alzheimer’s Disease
  • Cancer